Product Feedback
What our clients are saying about the solutions we provide - select a category below to read the reviews
Dragon Professional Individual 15 (Access to Work Edition)
"I upgraded from Premium 13 to this version to be able to create new voice commands to operate my company's database which works really well. The ability to have anyone's audio turned into text is a great new feature." Patrick S.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 15
"I'm really pleased with the new version of Dragon. It's definitely more accurate than previous versions and I love the new DragonBar. Upgrading my existing voice files was straight forward." Stephen H.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 13 (Access to Work edition)
"Many of the new commands built into this software have meant that I can further reduce the need to use my keyboard and mouse to create documents - my RSI is consequently better. Accessing my mind mapping application to brainstorm projects is a joy." Thomas J
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 15 Legal Practice edition
"As a lawyer handling a large volume of cases, office efficiency is a must. Dragon required virtually no training of my voice; it was ready to go and accurate right out of the box. I can honestly say Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the best office product I have ever used." Howell A
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 12
“Dragon NaturallySpeaking should be a mandatory purchase for everyone that wants to increase their productivity. Responding to e-mails, writing documents, developing Excel spreadsheets … things that took hours before, now take minutes.” Robert D
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13
"Dictating my school reports is so much easier than writing or typing them. I find I can work more quickly and get my ideas down really easily." Samantha K
Olympus DS-9500 digital recorder
"I needed an encrypted recorder for use in a hospital environment to record my observations when using our EMR. The DS-9500 produces high quality audio recordings which I send to our transcription team via the software. It works the way I want it too." Dr Simon J
Olympus DS-2600 digital recorder
"The DS-2600 is great with Dragon (Professional) - I do a lot of work away from the office so being able to easily records my site survey notes and have Dragon type them up save me a lot of time and money." Bob B
Olympus DS-770 & 670 digital recorder
"I wanted a digital note taker to record both my student lectures and my voice - the DS-770 does both very well. It's small, easy to use and my voice sounds really clear." Sally T
Olympus AS-9000 transcription kit
"Our surgery needed to migrate from analogue to digital dictation system and the new AS-9000 kit (which includes the transcription software) has reduce our document turnaround time from days to hours. Our doctors use a combination of AS-9000 and DS-9500 to make recordings which this works well with." Catherine P
Olympus Dictation Delivery Service (ODDS)
"A great addition to our current digital dictation solution. As most partners carry smartphones, using the recorder app was simple and very helpful when we forgot to take our DS-7000 recorders out with us. The workflow from recording the audio file through to the transcriptionist receiving it was fast and efficient. Well done Olympus!" James W
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4
"I'm loving the new version - dictation accuracy using the new speech recognition engine is outstanding and using the Hidden Dictation Box to dictate reports whilst manipulating other applications is a real time saving benefit." Dr. Thomas B.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 3
“Because it is easier and quicker to talk than to type patient letters created using Dragon Medical tend to be much more comprehensive and detailed. Thanks to Dragon Medical, now we can issue more detailed letters to them. I would certainly recommend it to other medical professionals. It is not only the accuracy that impress, but also the ability to send emails easily.” Dr. Erfan J
Andrea NC-181 VM USB headset microphone
"Great with Dragon using the built-in USB soundcard, ignores all the talking and phones ringing in my office and is comfortable to wear." Ian J
Plantronics SAVI W440 USB wireless headset
"I do forget I'm wearing the SAVI W440 as it's so light. Much prefer to not to have a wire attaching my headset to my PC as I can walk around my office or take a break from my computer." Emily M
Powermic III hand held microphone
"I use PowerMic in conjunction with Dragon Medical so I can simply pick the mic up, press & hold the record button, dictate a paragraph of text and put it down again. I've even got one of buttons setup so that when I press it, the Dragon dictation box appears which I use to transfer text into our EMR." Dr Christian B
Plantronics NC-185 VM USB headset microphone
"This microphones has 2 speakers which means that when I'm listening to my e-mail and letters being read (by Read & Write), I am not disturbed by the open plan office I work in." Elsie G
Plantronics SAVI W740 wireless telephone splitter
"I love using the SAVI W740 as I'm on the telephone a lot and need to switch back to using Dragon (NaturallySpeaking) throughout the day. It also allows me to make calls on my mobile as well." Chrissie H
Plantronics MX-10 telephone splitter & HW251N headset
"We needed a simple solution allowing us to use the same headset for operating speech recognition software and a phone and the MX-10 gave us the answer." Paul B
Read & Write Gold
"I find writing anything on a computer slow and difficult as my spelling is bad and I don't always spot my mistakes. As soon as Read & Write Gold reads my letters and reports back to me, I can heard where it doesn't sound right or can quickly find the correct word. I really like the having web pages read back to me as I absorb the information more easily this way." Colin F
SparkSpace Professional
It helps me to organise my ideas quickly and easily. When I'm writing plans or reports I always start with SparkSpace and export the results into Word and it gives me the finished document." Albert E
Zoomtext Magnifier/Reader
"As I can't see the screen very well, I have trouble reading e-mails or looking on the internet. Zoomtext magnifies the screen so I can have a few words filling the screen or a single picture." Michael C